Sunday, May 31, 2009

Soccer and Stuff

Went for morning soccer on Saturday behind East Spring Sec and as usual it was pretty fun. I injured my right toe when trying to tackle the ball away from the Newcastle jersey guy and before that I kinda sprained/twisted my ankle abit while trying to block a shot...Now my right toe can barely bend and it hurts to walk! Thats why I skipped Sunday's training =/, don't cry 'You-Tiao Mei' I will still go next week! Hahaha!

Anyway after soccer, I decided to carry on with gyming at Tampines Sports Hall there with CY, Nafees and PY. Boy! Was it a good choice! After we bought the tickets(me and CY had to pay $2.50 cause we are too old for student price...), a girl in yellow came in to buy tickets too. Wow! Her friend outside wearing St.Hilda's t-shirt was damn pretty! Good choice to go gym lol! Proceed to do multiple chest excerises using the machines(weights area crowded as usual). Too bad the St.Hilda's girl signed out after doing the climb stairs thingy and treadmill. Pity, we left just only sometime after them...Wasted chance! 

By the way after gym, we were deciding beside the ticket machine on whether to swim a not then this quite nice girl came to buy ticket LOL! Not bad ar! I decide to go home while the others went swimming. But thats ok since I saw a few good looking girls while on the bus home, they were at the TPJC bus stop haha!

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