Thursday, November 20, 2008

Nov 20th:Random stuff

Today had PEDrive quiz, the first 14 marks were easy to get, however the remaining 11 marks were hard to get. We were required to use simultaneous equation to solve for Ia and Eo. When I saw it I was like "OMG!" but oh well...

Today's training was good as usual, Ruby came back and led the warm-up, wahahaha! Anyway, I got called to do Shihonage demostration with Sensei again...lolz! I have been doing that for don't know how long already. Thankfully, I did not do the "Randori throw" move which I tend to keep hitting my knee for some reason if I were to get thrown.

The juniors are getting better at both techniques and slamming, thats good! Keep up the good work! But try not to be so kan chiong slowly and correct your technique first! And for those whose legs are hurting due to slamming, try to slam with your body, leg and hand hitting the ground together to even out the impact. Your legs hurt as they are hitting the floor first! Also take note, another cause is "prata-slamming". Due to your body turning when you do slams instead of going straight over your hand, thus your legs will tend to hit the ground first!

Tune in next time for more "LQ on Aikido stuff"....!

It has been 2 weeks+ since I last saw you, someone said you looked troubled/angry. Perhaps, you can tell me? Lolz! (I mean it =p)

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