Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hopefully it works!

Day 2 of trying not to message you, the urge is quite hard to fight against. Luckily had projects and friends to help me not think about it. Hopefully this will turn out to be something good!

I really need to do something to change my luck. It has been terrible ever since year 1.1! But some good things did happen on the way and few of the best is joining Aikido, getting to know my friends and most importantly, seeing you and getting to know you even if it just virtual chatting that we had done so far...

Thinking back, I had alot of great chances to get to know you earlier but however I did not cherish the chances. One SUPER GOOD example is that faithful sunday! Damnit! I shall elaborate it, lolz, who wants to know can ask CY, Nafees or Vincent. But I think Vincent should have forgotten already though. Lolz!

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