Saturday, July 24, 2010

Good things, bad things

Well like I said: "All well, ends well". It stopped before it even began. It can't be helped...But luckily things now are better in a sense, we get to talk and play around unlike in the past where there seems to be some sort of a pressure barrier.

Most people will remember me putting my nick on MSN that everything will change when I shave my hair. Yes, it did change as a matter of fact. Even before I shaved. came back just when I thought everything was okay. Call me loser, call me liar, call me whatever you want, it just can't be helped. It was just too sudden. I just need more time to sort it out properly.

Anger, frustration, disappointment and questions. There is so many things that I want to ask you and tell you. So many things you had said and did not said. So many things other people said. But I am afraid that it will just make everything go bad. People get affected and I don't want that cause it shouldn't be that way. Its between the two of us.

All in all, please don't worry about me =D

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


June had been the most happiest month so far in my life. And that is just because of 3 days, 3 specifically special days that I got to spend with someone important. It is surprising how just in a few days, I am able to get so affected by someone who I just knew.

I am not sure about what happened or if anything did happened, I feel really distant all of a sudden. I feel very conflicted with many thoughts coming to my mind. Many things you said affected me in a way but perhaps you don't know, but it's ok cause I feel that I am being selfish or just thinking too much. I really hope that things can go back to the way we are before we talked. You might say I am thinking too much, but perhaps you are doing it too. Yes, no? Well, think about it.